Title: Waiting Fandom/original: Arthurian Legend (AU) Rating: G A/N: Wow, I am out of practice. This is a little fic inspired by my AU with the lovely
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Title: From the Cold Fandom/original: Arthuriana Rating: Gish, I think. A/N: For rainbowjehan, so very, very late. Also, I have not quite hit my Bedivere voice yet, I don't think. So... rough.
Title: Sauvage Fandom/original: Arthurian Characters: Kay, Arthur Rating: PG A/N: As usual, from a mismash of sources, but influenced heavily by T.H. White in particular.
Title: Good Friday Fandom/original: Arthuriana Characters: Laurel, briefly Mordred Rating: PG A/N: I've been working on this for too long, and I need to post it so I won't fiddle it to death.
Title: The Perfectness of My Perfect Plan Fandom/original: Arthuriana...ish Characters: Juliyanna, mentions of Morgan, Mordred and Arthur Rating: G, unless horrible evil!Sues offend you A/N: A gift for mhari. With apologies.